Tao of Peripherals

Have you ever been completely immersed in an activity, where your reactions and responses seem to come precisely and effortlessly?

Creatives call it flow, athletes refer to it as being in the zone, scientists will say there is Optimal Alpha Brainwave activity. It's the ideal human experience, a feeling of oneness with what you're doing in the present moment. Meditation in motion. In martial arts there is a concept of soft eyes, to be relaxed in your vision, a peripheral awareness of your visual and spatial surroundings, and the ability to respond in any direction. 

We aim to reflect this philosophy in our products, as well as our branding. From our signature Peripheral Wave® trim, representing an ever going, dynamic balance; to our Trinity logo, symbolizing the harmony of Mind, Body, & Spirit. Our mission is to help enable the user to more readily achieve this intrinsic motivation.

To serve as a reminder to center yourself and use your peripherals.